Our house in Vallensbæk
In 1965 we bought a house in Vallensbaek, just southwest of Copenhagen. It was perhaps not the house we had dreamed about, but it worked well, and the larger space was essential now we were a family of 4 people. As we got lawn and tiles on the terrace it seemed also very nice. In 1968 we had the opportunity to come even closer to the ideal house, because we were able to make an expansion, which inter alia included a double garage and a room with open fireplace. The garage was built with full insulation and kept warm, so here I was given the room for a work shop I had always wanted me, and as later in history has been widely used for the repair of cars and the production of everything from kitchen furniture to turned stoneware.
To have a house, however, also need time for maintenance. Much time, for there is always a lawn or a hedge to be cut, gutter cleaned and then the windows by the way also need paint. But it is also so, that you feel the freedom of being able to go around the house, and decide what color curtains must have, because I have actually seen that there was demand for white curtains in an apartment I lived in.
Edited february 25, 2009